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in tha VALLEY.....

It's been long enough...

Or has it?

This is the first time my soul has felt inclined to write since April. That in itself says a lot without saying a lot. Life has moments like that. I understand today that I needed this pause for my next level in life, love, and purpose. Over the last several months I have learned so much about myself. I have been able to see the fruit of many of my life's uncomfortable decisions early on that made no sense at the time. I have been blessed to see God's promises manifest in a way that has blown my mind. And...more importantly, I've had time to nurse some of the soft wounds that I didn't know still needed to be acknowledged, addressed, and dealt with. time in the valley.

The valley is the most important place we will find ourselves in no matter the journey we choose to embark on. It is a meeting place that is necessary to our destiny and the developing ground of our purpose. It is the place of soul - reckoning, soul - decisions, soul - healing, soul- development, and soul- love. The valley is also the place that we run from because it forces us to see who we are as well as who we are not. This journey always starts from somewhere, typically a decision that seems right in the moment it is made but leads us down a path that our souls are not always ready to deal with nor account for. Sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of the valley, stuck in indecision, because the middle affords us to see the top of the mountain that we wish to arrive at as well as the rest of the path covered in shadows of uncertainty that we are fearful to embark on.

It is in the middle of the valley that soul-substance is shaped and healing is able to nourish our brokenness most effectively. The lower you are to the ground, the closer you are to pure nutrients. While this is a beautiful place to be in, it is also challenging to everything we consider to be familiar and comfortable. This is the place where old habits are broken, old hurts are addressed, character flaws are exposed, and the mirror of our souls does not reflect the pretty image we think we should see. It is that image that we do not want to sit still and deal with because in sitting still, we will have to really become personally accountable for all things that concern us. Sitting still to self-examine our souls requires one to confront things that better-served behaviors in brokeness and habits born from the dysfunction that caused the entrance into the valley in the first place....and let's be transparent, dealing with ourselves and being accountable is often the last thing we desire to do. Becoming accountable will require a lifestyle change that we typically are not willing nor ready to make. We end up having to constantly revisit and relive lessons that we should have learned a long time ago all because we chose not to sit in the valley, learn in the valley, heal in the valley, and accept God's love, plans, and purpose for us in the valley.

This is why I stated above...It's been long enough...Or has it? For me, it has not been long enough, not for this new decade of life. There are things that I desire in love, life, and legacy that will require more from me. There are some decisions I have to make. There are some lifestyle choices I have to change. It is necessary that I stay here for a bit longer so that my soul adequately curates the denser substance required to steward well when those doors are opened and those levels arrive. They will come at their appointed time, make no mistake, God had promised me some things as he also promised you. The question for me is simply this: Will I be ready? The question I ask you is simply this: Will you be ready?

I encourage you to remain in the valley for as long as you need to because your soul is longing for it and your soul needs it. The valley is an ever progressing and forward-moving pathway to destiny. It requires you to deal, feel, and heal..and it will not cause you to become nor remain stuck. The only things that will cause you to remain stuck are your decisions to push past what you should probably be taking a knee to address or choosing to return to what God has long since called you away from. Too often we do what we want and become mad at God when the result is not what we desire it to be. The reality is that what we want to do is typically totally opposite from that uncomfortable and outcome out of our control set of instructions God told us to do. Obedience to God's instruction lessens your time in the valley, expedites your blessings, enlarges what HE trusts you with, and eliminates our misplaced anger towards God.

We have less than two months left in 2021..I encourage you to sit, deal, heal, and feel. Get what you need in the valley. Your next level of life depends on it.

~Healing Is A #HeartPosture ~ Kesh C.


Candice Sims
Candice Sims
Nov 09, 2021

This hit home on so many levels ✨✨I’m so glad God put this on your heart to share!!❣️GoKeshgooo

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Blessed that it helps Candice❤️ Grateful to be back on assignment ❤️


Nov 07, 2021

Well worth the wait and what a great way to end the well needed break.

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I was excited about this one, feels good to be back💎

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